October 28-30, 2022
Dothan, Alabama
We are excited to host our annual Carnival of Stars at our Dothan, Alabama facility! In the heart of Southeast Alabama, only a short drive from both Georgia and Florida, we welcome you! We will host a fun Carnival theme perfect for the weekend of Halloween! Bring your compulsory gymnastics team and enjoy a fun,
memory filled weekend with some great competition with talented teams.
Registration Information
Entry Fees: Girls Levels 1-5, Xcel
Entry fee includes a meet gift. Please send your team sizes by 8/19/22
Team Fees: $50
Admission: Adults - $5
Children 5-12 - $3
Children under 5 - Free
Equipment: All AAI equipment, Air-O-Board Available
Awards will follow USAG Guidelines
Host Hotel: TBA
Deadline to Register August 19, 2022
Scratch Deadline - September 2, 2022
Meet Director: Jennifer Alexander

Thank you!
Thank you for choosing
Carnival of Stars
for your team!
We hope you have a great meet!
Please visit us at our concession area for great food, snacks
and drinks!
Outdoor food and beverages will NOT be allowed.
Masks are encouraged, but not required. Entry is not permitted until previous session has exited. Thank you for your patience.

Team united
Our 2021 Compulsory Teams welcome you! We hope you have a great meet weekend!